Monday, February 28, 2011

Visit to the Beach

Yesterday we went to the beach with the rest of the Juniors. We thought about what we could see, touch, hear and smell, and went exploring. Some of us even made dens using the sticks and stones we found. We had to hold on to our hats as it was so windy, but we had a great time playing and finding different things.

Football skills

Today we had football coaching with Pat and Fraser from the Lower Hutt Club, and practised some of the basic skills. We dribbled, sidestepped and kicked the ball around obstacles, trying to keep the ball close to the foot to keep more control. Great fun!

Room 5 hosts Junior Assembly!

Last Friday we hosted Junior Assembly and showed the butterfly kites we had coloured symmetrically! Well done to our presenters Angus and Lizzie, and of course to those of you who received certificates. Whole school assembly is this Friday 4th March and will have a Red and Black theme- please wear red and black to school!- as a fund-raiser for those affected by the Christchurch quake.

Monday, February 21, 2011


This week we were lucky enough to start our swimming lessons from instructors at the pool, and these will continue next week. We are doing really well and enjoying the lessons so far!